
We have a true passion for Pilates.


Our teachers have gone through rigorous Classical Pilates certification programs under some of the best teachers in the country, as well as numerous seminars and workshops taught by top Pilates professionals. Each instructor has completed over 700+ hours of training, observation, and teaching, plus continuing educational workshops with the best teachers trainers.


Stella Sandoval

Studio Owner, Certified Pilates Instructor, Fitness Instructor, Mentor

Stella was born and raised in the Bay Area and has always enjoyed being active. Her biggest joys were running, jumping, riding bikes, and doing backflips down the street with friends. Movement made her feel alive, energized, and happy. She learned early in life the value of physical movement so it was natural that she would gravitate towards a career in fitness. 

For more than two decades, Stella has worked as a fitness professional in the Bay Area and starred in several exerciseS videos that were sold nationwide. Some people still recognize her from Dancing Off the Inches, Sizzling Salsa, and many others.

In 2011, after having a full hip replacement, Stella used Pilates to help with her rehabilitation. Today, she credits the Pilates method for her full recovery and for changing her body. 

Inspired by Pilates, Stella enrolled in the Metropolitan Authentic Training (M.A.T)  Pilates Certification Program. She completed her rigorous 700+ hours of training and exams under Master Teacher Trainer Dorothee VandeWalle, earning her teaching certification in 2013. She also holds a certificate in the Complete Pilates Method Continuing Professional Education with Chris Robinson and continues to study under his close mentorship. 

Stella’s hard-fast rule when teaching clients is ensuring they understand the work and leave each session feeling challenged and invigorated. “She is often heard saying to her client’s, “Pilates is a journey with NO short cuts, or quick fixes just good hard work, commitment, and patience. “

Stella Sandoval is the owner of UP Pilates Burlingame in the San Francisco Bay Area, an official training center for the M.A.T. Pilates Certification Program.  Stella is a M.A.T. Pilates mentor and prepares apprentices for full certification.

Camille Santiago

Certified Pilates Instructor & Group Fitness Instructor

Camille Santiago has been a fitness enthusiast most of her life, but after an injury due to many years of high-impact workouts, she found herself looking for workouts that were less impactful and kept her safe while exercising. Shortly after, Camille took her first Mat Pilates class and loved it. She loved how it was a non-impact workout and how it made her sore in places she never felt before without feeling worn out. She continued to take Pilates while teaching Barre Fitness classes until she decided to make the move and commit to a Pilates Certification Training program with Equinox Fitness.

In 2022 Camille completed her training and earned her Pilates Certification from Equinox Pilates Comprehensive Training Program. Camille continues to by taking workshops at Metropolitan Pilates, weekly sessions with Stella and sessions & workshops with various visiting teachers. Workouts with Camille will invigorate you while teaching you how to move safely and pain-free.


Certified Pilates Instructor

Imelda has been teaching Pilates since 2017. She first obtained her certification in 2016 then went on to certify as an NCPT (Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher). Since then, she has done extensive continuing education and taken regular personal sessions with various local and visiting instructors in the Bay Area, both classical and contemporary. She is currently enrolled in the M.A.T. Pilates Certification Program. Her goal is that you walk away from her sessions feeling lengthened and invigorated.

Gina Soberanis

Pilates Apprentice

Gina was first introduced to mat Pilates during a semester-long course in college. Curious to learn more, she started practicing Classical Pilates in 2022. Already an avid yogi and long-distance runner, she was fascinated by how Pilates challenged her and supported her personal workouts in ways that no other form of exercise had done before. Eager to deepen her connection to the work, Gina started her apprenticeship with Metropolitan Pilates led by Master Trainer Dorothee Vandewalle under the mentorship of Stella Sandoval at UPPilates Burlingame in 2023 and will earn her full certification in the Summer of 2024. Halfway through this rigorous training program, Gina is more than prepared to take clients ready to start their Pilates Journey. Sessions with Gina will set you up with a strong foundation for a great Pilates practice. You’ll leave feeling aligned, stronger and connected to your core.

Gina enjoys living a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle and believes that Pilates supports her endeavors outside of the studio. She believes that this is her opportunity to help more people connect to themselves and contribute to a stronger, healthier world.

To book with Gina, email her at